Stephanie's Notes on Life, Learning, Healing, and Love
Stephanie's Notes on Life, Learning, Healing, and Love Podcast
A Meditation for the Heart

Paid episode

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A Meditation for the Heart

Softening, expanding, and embracing loving energy when we most need it

The middle of February is the perfect time to notice that tightening in our shoulders, the tension in our chest, and the other things our bodies do when we are making our way through winter. For many of us in the U.S., shorter days, colder weather, and lower clouds can make us shrink in a little without us even realizing it. Slowing down in the winter is normal, and we can also invite in the energy of universal love and soften the edges that seemed necessary to survive.

Let’s soften those edges today and open up more space for our breath.

Let’s slow down with intention (not simply out of habit) and see what our breath + universal love energy + opening our heart energy center can do.

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Stephanie's Notes on Life, Learning, Healing, and Love
Stephanie's Notes on Life, Learning, Healing, and Love Podcast
Meditations, read alouds of written posts, audio posts, and thoughts on life, learning, healing, love.